Laine IP’s patent attorneys able to represent clients before the new court
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- 24.3.2023

Three European Patent Attorneys of Laine IP, Mirja Matilainen, Jarkko Tiilikainen and Kaisa Suominen now have the right to represent clients before the new Unified Patent Court (UPC), which will start functioning on 1.6.2023. This right is based on additional qualifications. Mirja and Kaisa are holders of Diplôme d’Université d’Etudes Superieures sur le Contentieux des Brevets en Europe from the university of Strasbourg, Jarkko has the Certificato di superamento dell’esame conclusivo del Corso di Proprietà Industriale – Brevetti, from Politecnico di Milano.
Mirja, Jarkko and Kaisa can thus for example file requests to opt out European patents without a need for a power of attorney, which reduces the bureaucratic burden.
If need arises, they can also represent parties in litigation, although we do recommend using also a lawyer.
In the future, when the European Patent Attorneys of Laine IP participate in additional training, we will have more EPA’s who have the right of representation.
For more information on UPC, see here.