Laine IP Oy is responsible for updating the “Brown Book”
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- 3.8.2021

Laine IP Oy has taken on the responsibility to update the best known handbook of the IPR field for Finland, the “Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Throughout the World”.
This Manual is also known as the ”Brown book” already since 1927 and it is published by Kluwer Law International. The handbook, which is available for a fee, also online, presents basic information for each IPR per country, i.e. on patents, trademarks, utility models and designs. It includes for example requirements for patentability, the types of marks protectable by a trademark and information about official fees relating to designs. The Manual covers almost 240 countries and is widely used in the world as a source of information, in patent agencies, law offices, patent offices and industry. A further advantage of the Manual is that it is regularly updated.
It is a privilege and great honour for Laine IP’s Ms Kaisa Suominen and Mr Tom-Erik Hagelberg to be selected as trusted experts on Finnish IP practice with the task of updating this highly renowned source of information.