European Patent Attorney
ICT, Mechanics
IP Lawyer, European Trademark and Design Attorney
Legal Services, Trademarks
Biochemistry, Chemistry
US Lawyer, Registered US Patent Attorney
US IP Services
Biotechnology, Microbiology
European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, Deputy Managing Director
Logistics, Manufacturing Industry
Biosciences, Chemistry
US Patent Engineer
ICT, Software
U.S. Patent Agent
ICT, Physics
Construction Engineering, Equipment Technique
European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney
Embedded Systems, Power Electronics
Patent Attorney
cleantech, Organic chemistry
IP Lawyer, European Trademark and Design Attorney, Licensed Legal Counsel
Biochemistry, Protein Chemistry
Hydrodynamics, Marine Industry
Biotechnology, Food Industry
Patent Engineer
Biochemistry, Patent Information
Metallurgy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Biochmistry, Biotechnology
Communication Technology, Optics
Physics, Software
Manufacturing Technique, Material Chemistry
Chemical Industry, Polymer Industry
European Patent Attorney, Managing Director
Automation Technology, ICT
Biomaterials, Chemistry
Chemistry, Patent Information
US Patent Agent, European Patent Attorney, Chairman of the Board
European Patent Attorney, Senior Partner; UPC Representative
Electronics, Measurement technology
Imaging, Physics
Patent engineer
Complex Systems, Mechanics
Communication Technology, Software
Biotechnology, Material Chemistry
cleantech, Material Chemistry
U.S. Patent Agent Chemical- and Process Engineering
Annuities Coordinator
Patent Assistant
Patent Assistant, EPAC
Patent Assistant, Communications Coordinator
Patent Assistant, Validations
Patent assistant, EPAC
Intellectual Property Paralegal
Trademark Assistant
Trademark Assistant,Validations
Patent Assistant,Patricia Coordinator
Financial and HR manager
IT Manager, Patricia Manager
Office Assistant